Lost and Found Lookup Service - LFLS

Welcome to LFLS, a localised online app to lookup lost or found items. Sign up today or sign in to start using the Lost and Found Lookup Service. We celebrate kindness and gratitude.

We Help to Lookup Lost and Found Items.

You can Lookup Lost Item(s)     and Found Item(s)     on this platform.

The LFLS is an online platform that enables you to lookup one or more lost or found items in a safe virtual space, and increases the chance of recovery of a valuable property. The lookup service analyse data of lost and found items, reate leads, pairs and links, and provide messaging services.

Lost and Found Items

Our Lookup Services

Identification Cards

National Identification Card, Travel Passport, Driving Licence, Access Pass Card, Woork or Job ID Card, Student ID Card

Personnal Documents

Land Title Deed, Motor Vehicle Logbook, Work Permit, Academic Certificate, Academic Transcript, Academic Result Slip

Financial Cards

Bank Credit Card, Bank Debit Card, Bank ATM Card, Cash in Local Currency, Cash in Foreign Currency, Cheque Book

Devices & Accessories

Smartphone, iPhone, iPad, Tablet, Phone, Phone Charger, Portable Powerbank, Tagged Car Key, Tagged House Key

Computer Devices

Laptop, Hard Drive, USB Flash Drive, Disk Storage Device, Computer Desktop, Computer Minotor, Printer, Scanner, Charger...

Electronic Devices

Smart Watch, Smart TV, PDAs, Home Theater System, Sound Players, Speaker, Hi-Fi System, Compact Radio, Camera, Scientific Calculator

Personnal Items

Wallet, Bags, Handbag, Backpack, Jewelry, Bracelet, Necklace, Wedding Ring, Clothes, Shoes, Boots, Sandals, Eye Glasses...

Sporting Equipment

Footwear, Sneakers, Skates, Racquet, Stick, Bat, Club, Wicket, Gloves, Ball, Net, Helmet, Guards, Straps, Pads, Suit, Jerseys